Here’s a GREAT DEAL TO SAVE 50% AT Toys R Us and Babies R Us! This will sell out QUICKLY so snag it now!!
Pay ONLY $7.50 for $15 Worth of All Toys, Games, Electronics and Kids’ Clothing at Toys R Us and Babies R Us
! It’s like getting a FREE $7.50 to shop with or a 50% discount!! s SOLD OUT!!
BUT THIS IS STILL AVAILABLE: You can also still snag the ~ Pay ONLY $6 for $10 Worth of All Toys, Games, Electronics and Kids’ Clothing at Toys R Us and Babies R U!
This will sell out QUICKLY so snag it now!!
- Expires Nov 23rd, 2013.
- Limit 1/person. Limit 1/visit.
- In-store only. Valid USA only.
- Not valid toward Apple products, ISIS products or classes, Buyer Protection Plan, gift cards, phone or special orders, assembly fees, breast-pump rental, delivery, or shipping.
- Not valid with other offers. Minimum $15 purchase.
- Must use promo value in 1 visit.
- Non-transferable.
This is a great way to save 50% and just in time for CHIRSTmas!! Be sure to CLICK HERE TO SNAG YOURS!

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