Meijer Matchups
Please note when doing the Meijer Matchups we are ONLY Listing items that are Free and/or cheap. We are listing items that we think are a “true” savings and would be good items to purchase or even stock up on. Things to remember about Meijer Coupon Policy: * All Meijer Stores take coupons at face value (no more doubles) * You can stack a manufacturer coupon with Meijer mPerks if the Meijer mPerks are a Meijer store coupon. * You can stack a manufacturer coupon with a Target Store Coupon * If you haven’t already signed up for the Meijer mPerks go HERE and sign up today!! How to Print Your Custom Shopping List: • Click on the box next to the item(s) you would like to purchase • The item will be placed in your shopping list on the right-hand bottom of this site • Once you are done making your list, click print and you are ready to go shopping!
If you need coupons, you can order from the best coupon clipping services listed below: •Klip2Save!! • TheCouponClippers! To find the complete Meijer new-coupon Policy CLICK HERE To find the nearest Meijer locations CLICK HERE

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