Welcome Everyone ~ If you are a coupon newbie, you found the right place!! I have put together a Learn How to Coupon 101 series to help you all get started! I have been featured on TLC “Extreme Couponing” five times, as well as 20/20, GMA, 700 Club, Rachael Ray, HLN, CNN, Fox News, Today Show, CBS Evening News, and many others. If you still have questions after browsing this page, please don’t hesitate to ask or you can purchase my book Extreme Couponing by Joni Meyer-Crothers by CLICKING HERE!
To teach others to save money through couponing (become good stewards with their money) while sharing the blessing with others in need!Matthew 25:40 (NIV) 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
A new way of couponing that utilizes the Internet blogs to save time and money! It is ALL right at your fingertips or computer! The idea behind extreme couponing is to stockpile your groceries by using coupons when items are on sale so that you will never pay retail price for your groceries, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies again and be able to score many FREE/CHEAP items. You will want to start by collecting all the coupons you can and store them in an organized binder or other organized system you have. Then find a local and national coupon blog and start saving!
To save money for your family, plus through your savings, you can share the blessing with others. . . PASS IT ON!!
Hebrews 13:16 “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.”
You will want to match coupons with store’s sales, rebates, and/or other promotional offers to get the lowest price and then stockpile on these products, plus pass the blessing on to others – or if you follow the website, we do all the work for you, you just have to do the shopping!!
1) Sunday newspaper
2) Internet: printable coupons (IP) –
You can print 2 coupons per computer per site.
3) Inside products or peelies on the outside of products
4) Loaded to your savings card and/or cell phones
5) Online clipping services (charge a small fee per coupon)
6) Friends, family, church members, etc.
Two new smartphone apps that maximize your savings even more. . .
- Check out Ibotta by clicking HERE – Smartphone is required – I featured this on GMA (Good Morning America)
- Check out Checkout 51 by clicking HERE – no smartphone needed!
- I recommend picking one or two stores and learn as much as you can about the store(s), before you add additional stores.
- Join the store’s savings card program if available
- Access the store’s weekly ad circular online or in-store or follow my blog that lists all the FREE/CHEAP items
- Check your store’s rain check policy and senior or military discount programs if applicable. Most stores will allow you to get rain checks for items that they are out of if they were in the sales circulation. If they are unadvertised sales, most stores WILL NOT give you a rain check.
- Get a copy of the store layout from customer service or make your own aisle-by-aisle map of the store – very helpful and a huge time-saver when you are organizing your coupons and making your shopping list at home. It is much easier to organize and plan your shopping trip at home then to try to do it at the store.
- Know the store’s coupon policy, if available, and keep a copy with you at ALL TIMES! You can go HERE to print coupon policies!
- Buy meat when it is 50% off or B1G1 free (INSTANT savings of 50%) – Usually at least once a month at most stores. I recommend purchasing your meat for the entire month when you can purchase it at a 50% discount.
- Meat that is a few days away from sell-by date can normally be purchased at 80-90% savings ~ You can freeze this as soon as you get it home, but when you thaw it, you will need to eat the same day
What is the difference between “a purchase” and “a transaction”?
A purchase is a single item and a transaction is your entire order. When a coupon states “One per purchase” – This means one manufacturer coupon per item that you purchase.
Click HERE to get the stock-up price list (This is my guideline for when to stockpile items)
Click HERE to get the Monthly Sales Cycle List (This will help you know when items will be their lowest priced)
If you are looking for a deal that I posted, but cannot find it, please go to the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the blog and type in the word(s) and it will pull up any posts relating to that name.
Don’t toss your expired coupons, the military overseas can use them for up to 6 months after the expiration date. Check with your local Legion Halls as some of them accept expired coupons or go to Coupsfortroops and they will send them overseas for you.
If you still have questions, you can purchase my book Extreme Couponing by Joni Meyer-Crothers by CLICKING HERE!
Happy Couponing!!

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