JanSport Backpacks Sale as Low as $14 Shipped (60% Savings!) or 2 for ONLY $18 SHIPPED ($70 VALUE)
This is a deal you will NOT want to miss out on. Head over to Ebates.com and search for 6pm.com! Now click on 6pm and you will see the JanSport Backpacks at up to 60% off! If they don’t pop right up, just search “Jansport Backpacks”. MSRP is $34.99 on these backpacks so a huge savings. They have several JanSport Backpacks to choose from on sale for just $14 and that includes free shipping! Plus if you go through Ebates.com by CLICKING HERE, you will not receive any cash back, but if you are a new member after you spend $25, you will receive a $10 gift card (Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Etc), so you could snag 2 backpacks for ONLY $18 (Retail $70) **HOT DEAL**
Thanks, MojoSavings

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