**AWESOME DEAL ON TOILET PAPER** If you are in need, you will want to take advantage of this quickly as they are going fast!!
• Login or Register with Ebates to earn 2% cash back!
• Search MyGofer (Kmart’s ordering system – order online but pick up in store!)
• Click “Shop Now” to be redirected to MyGofer.com!
• Login or Create an account
• At the top of the page, click on the store name/location and change it to yours (if needed)
Now Search for your toilet paper of choice, there are a few on sale for $5:
* Cottonelle Ultra 2 ply, 12 double rolls, $5
* Cottonelle Ultra 1 ply, 12 double rolls, $5
* Scott Bathroom Tissue, Unscented, one-ply, 12 rolls, $5 – MY FAVORITE IS IT LASTS A LOOOONNNNG TIME!!
• Add a total of (9) $5.00 items to your cart to get your total up to $45
• You will receive an automatic $9.00 discount for a current promo
• At checkout, use promo code TAKE5 OR MGBARGAIN (can only use one of these codes) to get an additional $5 off!
• Final Cost: ONLY $32.00 for 108 double rolls of toilet paper –That’s $0.15 per single roll (AWESOME PRICE)
• Now just go to the store and pick them up and you won’t have to worry about needing toilet paper for awhile!!

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