Are you or someone you know of need of getting their laundry done? If so, then you won’t want to miss out on this GREAT event on Saturday, April 28th from 10 to 12:30 PM at SuperSuds Laundromat at 3509 W. Alexis Road in Toledo. We will be providing 2 loads per family (while supplies last) as well as supplying all laundry detergent, bleach, fabric softener, bleach, and lots of Downy unstopables (your dirties will smell so good). Please be sure to share with everyone you know that could benefit from this 🙂
A HUGE THANKS to Jill’s Genuine Care Pharmacy at 23354 Farmington Rd, Farmington, MI for sponsoring this FREE laundry day! If you need a script filled or in the area, please stop by and support our friend, Jill 🙂
Hope to see you all there, we will also have light refreshments and great fellowship 🙂
If you have been following the blog long, you will remember we have done 10 FREE Laundry Days with over 1500 loads done to date. It is heartwarming!
We know that we cannot do this, but we know it is possible through Christ. We are asking everyone to please prayfully consider getting involved. . all the glory to God:) Thanks for considering and we are excited to see this happen:)
FREE Laundry Day is this Saturday, March 3rd from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at SuperSuds Laundromat at 3509 W. Alexis Road in Toledo. (Please note location has changed due to other laundromat cancelling). We will be providing 2 loads per family (while supplies last) as well as supplying all laundry detergent, bleach, fabric softener, bleach, and lots of Downy unstopables.
In addition, we will be raffling off a washer and dryer thanks to the generous donation from Dan at Monster Retail (they will drop off and hook up for the winner – not affiliated with Free Tastes Good)
Hope to see you all there, we will also have light refreshments and great fellowship 🙂

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