If you have been following our page long, you know that every 2 months we do a FREE laundry Project. So many of us take for granted having clean clothes and doing out laundry, but to many this is a luxury. They cannot afford to do their laundry, meaning they do not have clean clothes. This is such a cool way to show the LOVE of Jesus!! We go into a laundromat for 3 hours and do 2 loads of laundry for FREE per family (we pay for washing, drying, supplies, fold, and also take out to their car). In addition, we also provide light refreshments and just have an amazing time in fellowship with many who are struggling financially. It has become an amazing day for everyone involved, the givers and the receivers, because at the end of the day we have all received something.
To make this happen, we need to raise $600 ($4500 for all 6 FREE Laundry Events in 2015) and we still need fabric softener, dryer sheets, and some refreshments, plus 15 volunteers. If you are interested in helping – WE STILL NEED 12 VOLUNTEERS
You can also make a monetary donation by clicking the “donate” button below or make a donation by visting www. miraclechristmas.com and click on the donate tab. Please prayfully consider as we need to raise $600 to make this happen or you can make a monetary donation to:
Free Tastes Good
PO Box 312
Sylvania, OH 43560.

If you have been following the blog long, you will remember we did 4 in 2014 with over 750 loads done to date. It is heartwarming!
We know that we cannot do this, but we know it is possible through Christ. We are asking everyone to please prayfully consider getting involved. . all the glory to God:) Thanks for considering and we are excited to see this happen:) GOD IS GOOD. . . ALL THE TIME!!

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