FREE LAUNDRY PROJECT 7/18/15 – 105 Loads Washed & Dried!!
Such an amazing day!! 105 loads washed and dried! To God be the glory!! It is always amazing to see what God has in store for each of our FREE laundry Days. Today, was an AWESOME day. People were lined up by 8:30 am, so it was a super busy day. Jennifer came in to make a$20 donation and it was amazing because we were almost out of money. God’s timing is perfect 🙂
These are some of my favorite days. I love seeing familiar faces and we also love all the volunteers. I cannot thank everyone enough for volunteering. Today, was soooo hot, but nobody complained. We had so much ice water and Tom, Sheila, and Lilly brought a ton of panera bread and many of the people took bread home with them.
Everyone that comes in is so appreciative.God is so good how he shows up in BIG ways and just when we need him. We had a great crew of volunteers today – things ran smoothly. We had over 20 people lined up before it even started ~ which was amazing”-) Thank you to everyone, but especially those that worked the dryers. It was soooooo hot especially for those by the dryers.
I cannot tell you all how blessed I feel to be a part of this. My favorite part is always the prayer at the beginning. Our prayer is always for everyone to feel the love of Christ and I can say with certainty that Jesus was in the House today:) Thank you to Ed for getting all the releases signed. This will air around Thanksgiving on TLC and I will be certain to let you all know of the date. Asking for prayers that everyone can feel the love of Jesus through the TV and see how much this helps those in need. We can look down on others or we can given them a “hand up” and that is what our familiy chooses to do. Matthew 25:40. We had one lady say she was praying how she was going to be able to do her laundry and her brother called to tell her about the FREE laundry day. I told her God always provides and he does. Thank you all for your support for all these events. None of this is possible without all of you. Together, we are serving Jesus one act of kindness at a time. Love you all so much!! To God be the glory.

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