FREE LAUNDRY PROJECT 3/7/15 – 98 Loads Washed & Dried!!
Such an amazing day!! 98 loads washed and dried! To God be the glory!! It is always amazing to see what God has in store for each of our FREE laundry Days. Today, was an AWESOME day. We arrived at 9 a.m and had a few people waiting already. We normally wait until 10 to start, but decided to start around 9:30 and get the people going.
Since we changed up the schedule a bit and my problems with anxiety, we forgot to pray, yes, we forgot. About 11 a.m. Tony (TPD Sargent) came up to me and said did you forget something today and I was thinking, I have all the laundry detergent, quarters, we paid them, all the kids were with me, and he said “Did we forget to pray”. My eyes flooded with tears. I felt horrible. How did we forget to pray? But it worked out nicely because we prayed and almost every person getting their laundry done joined in the prayer circle. God’s timing is ALWAYS perfect and I think it was cool to watch so many join in.
We had a steady flow of people coming in today. We finally have a nice system down and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves. I always leave there feeling more blessed than the ones receiving the FREE laundry. Today was no exception. It was sooooooo good to see so many of you. I could not believe how much I missed everyone. I want you all to know how much you mean to me. I love fellowshipping with you all and I love watching God at work. My buddy, Andy, helped again and was a huge blessing. He was the “greeter” and helped everyone bring their clothes in. First impressions are huge and he blessed everyone that walked in the door. To look around and see all the smiling faces, I love it!! So many kids come too and with all the treats, it is fun to watch them get all excited and then of course having messy faces. God is doing a mighty work at all of these events. I love Tony and Jim (the two officers that keep all of us safe). They are now family just like all of you!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the volunteer help, monetary donations, donations of food and laundry supplies, and all the prayers. It all matters and that is why these events are so successful because of all of you and of course because of God!! Next FREE Laundry Day is April 25th and we will begin raising money again soon:) Hope you all are having a blessed Saturday!! Love you all more than you will ever know!!!

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