Random Acts of Kindness
We continue our 365 Days of Kindness and every 2 months we do a FREE Laundry Day. We go into a laundromat and for 3 hours do people’s laundry for FREE ~ No strings attached. We supply all the laundry detergent, softener, dryer sheets, bleach, etc and pay for their laundry. All they have to do is bring their dirty clothes and they are taken care of from the time they arrive. Our next date is Saturday, August 16th from 10 to 1 p.m. at Reynolds Laundry, located at 521 S. Reynolds Road in Toledo, OH. We need your help. We need to raise $500 to make this happen and we also need to provide goodies and bottled water. We still need help. If you are able to volunteer or donate cookies, cupcakes, muffins, bottled water, etc. please CLICK HERE to sign up.

Easy Fundraising Ideas
You can also make a monetary donation by clicking the “donate” button below. Please prayfully consider as we need to raise $500 to make this happen or you can make a donation by visiting www.miraclechristmas.com and click on the “donate” tab or you can mail a donation to Free Tastes Good, PO Box 312, Sylvania, OH 43560.
If you have not been a part of this, it is such an amazing time. We have completed 3 FREE Laundry Days so far with a total of 357 loads of laundry done for FREE and helped over 150 families. It has been AWESOME , showing us that Random Acts of Kindness truly do matter. We provide 2 loads of laundry per family (while supplies last). We are still looking for businesses, churches, and families to make a monetary donation, purchase food items, or volunteer the day of event. There is so much negativity in this world, its time to show communities something positive and let it start with US. Let’s show other communities how much random acts of kindness truly can impact someone’s life. Again, we are also looking for volunteers to help on August 16th, and/or food donations. To get all the information and sign up – CLICK HERE
If you have been following the blog long, you will remember we did this on a smaller scale at All-Wash Laundromat on February 8th and Super Suds Laundromat on April 28th and here is some testimony from that:) It is heartwarming! Watch our Random Acts of Kindness Video from FREE Laundry Day!
We know that we cannot do this, but we know it is possible through Christ. We are asking everyone to please prayfully consider getting involved. . all the glory to God:) Thanks for considering and we are excited to see this happen:) GOD IS GOOD. . . ALL THE TIME!!

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