Today may have been the most odd day ever. . we did not serve very many at the church. Not sure if it was because it is so cold out (which would make me think we would serve more) or what, but we probably served about 25 people, BUT we made over 100 to-go containers and delivered to the homeless at Cherry Street Mission. We drove around and handed the meals out. I cannot even tell you how much I love to do this. To see how thankful they are that someone is serving them. . the BEST part was my new friend, Antoine, went in and ate his meal and came out and asked what restaurant we were from. When we told him we weren’t from a restaurant, he said that was good stuff, LOL:) How heartwarming.
These people mean so much to me. I love to just love on them and you can tell they appreciate all the food we are giving them. I am sad to say that Mr. Ed did not come today, BUT my 3 sweet potato pies found good homes, but I will admit my heart was a little disappointed, but I know God had other plans. Also, Mr. Robert, who comes every single month did not come last month or today, so we are so worried about him. I would ask you to continue to pray. We are looking to move the location to a more centralized place that will be able to service more people. I have a few other churches in mind that I will be contacting and we will make a decision from there. Please join us in praying for clarity. The problem is many places do not serve on Sunday, so we would like to continue to serve then, as I know it would bless many, because hunger doesn’t stop on Sunday! I know God is doing mighty things in our community and it is because so many of you care. I know we are impacting many lives in the name of Jesus and I am thankful for all of your help, love, and support.
As I have stated many times, I will continue to love on the least of these until I take my last breath. I love the homeless/less fortunate more than I can even describe. We need not give them a hand out, but a hand up. We need to continue to show them love and be the image of Christ in all things at all times!! Thanks again everyone and ALWAYS REMEMBER, none of us can help everyone, but ALL of us can help someone and when we do we serve Jesus!! Thank you all for your love, support, and help. I love you guys and appreciate you all more than you will ever know!! Thank YOU JESUS!!!!

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