So many AWESOME stories so far and we have only completed 3 Random Acts of Kindness! It is so encouraging and exciting to watch God at work. THANK YOU JESUS!!
I think I will start posting the night before so everyone can like and share with their friends and family. Let’s get everyone we know involved in this movement.
I am challenging everyone to send a “thinking of you” or “encouraging” card to a complete stranger. Now this is the fun part. . . How are we going to find that stranger? Honestly, I am sooooooo excited I can’t hardly stand it:)
We are going to search the white pages by CLICKING HERE. . . Now when this screen pops up
Go to the “Find a Business” side and type in the city you currently live in and see what other states have your city in it, i.e. I did Toledo and it came up in 9 other states. . So pick one of those states, now go over to the “Find People” side and type in your last name in the appropriate box – as seen above, and the city, and state you picked. . . Several people with the same last name or similar to yours will pop up. . . see below (the 1st three will be in a box and say “people search”, which is a paid site, so stick to the ones that look like the ones below and say “see full listing”)
Pick one of those people on your list, click on the underlined name, and it will give you their address. Now send them a card, you can print FREE ones online HERE, or hand write a note to them stating you prayed for them, they were Day 4 of our 365 Days of Kindness, and then enclose one of the 365 Days of Kindness cards (you can print here)!! We had a great suggestion from one of our readers, Carla, who is putting a stamp in her card, so the kindness can continue:) I would ask you all to pray for who God would have you choose when doing this task. I am most excited about this one so far because this is a total RANDOM act of kindness!! Whose in? I am praying that everyone gets involved in this. None of us can help everyone, but all of us can help someone, and when we do we serve Jesus. We can make an impact in our communities, one life at a time!!

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Joni~ Thank you so much!! Just picked my random person for tomorrow. Having so much fun with this.
I am loving this one the most:) It is very addicting isn’t it:)
I just starting reading your blog and following along for the 365 Days of Kindness. I love the idea of picking some random person. I do have a few questions though. When we send the card, do we sign our name or leave it as anonymous? What about putting the return address on it as well? Have any other ideas on which city I can pick? The town I live in seems to not have any “sister” cities. Bummer. I’ve tried the city I was born in, lived in, and near by, but they just didn’t feel like the right choice. So any other suggestions would be much appreciated. I’ve prayed about it and the only thing on my heart is to ask.
Everyone is kind of doing it differently, some are including their return address. . I prayed about it and I felt my family was supposed too. My kids each picked their “random” person and we included our return address. As far as a sister city, I would randomly pick a state (hint, this will be a weekly thing as we are going to do all 50 states) and just type in your last name and pick the 1st or 2nd one. . That’s just my opinion though if you feel God directing you differently, then do that. . Hope that helps!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I really do appreciate it. Guess I’ll bring out the road atlas, pray, then close my eyes, and let Him decide where my finger lands. Yay for the weekly hint. Off to spread some kindness. Thank you again. God bless.
I absolutely LOVE this! I actually started doing this when I was sixteen. My family would go on vacation each year and I would always find a way to get a phone book from the area we were at. Then, at Christmas time, I would send out Christmas cards to random names in the phone book. Each year I sent to more and more people. I now send random Christmas cards to 100 people each year and include a little note/poem letting them know that they don’t have a clue who I am but that they were chosen in hopes that I could put a smile in their heart with a little random act of kindness. It’s one of the things I look forward to most every Christmas!
My random person wasn’t from the phone book. A old friend from high school posted a prayer request for her renters. They had just found out they had lost their 6mo old baby(fetus) and would have to deliver the baby. I decided that was the way I need to go and sent them a card to let them know they were in my thoughts and prayers.