I am so excited to get this started. Today is Day 1 of 365 days of Kindness – Pass the blessing on. . Today, I challenge everyone that can to go through a drive thru and pay for the car behind you. . It can be as easy as Tim Horton’s or McDonald’s. . . I am praying that everyone gets involved in this. None of us can help everyone, but all of us can help someone, and when we do we serve Jesus. We can make an impact in our communities, one life at a time!!

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This is such a fantastic way to show Christ’s love and a new year. I’m going to try the 365 days of kindness right along with you. Funny thing is yesterday I prayed for God to give me am opportunity to help someone out.
Amen Heather. . God always gives us the answers doesn’t he??
Just thought I’d share this story with you….Several years ago, my husband and I were having dinner at one of the restaurants at the Docks. We were there before the dinner crowd so the restaurant was not that full and it is a small restaurant. The waitress came up to us and said “the couple over there paid your bill on thier way out” – we asked the waitress if they gave thier names and she said no – she even looked on thier bill to see if they paid by credit card but they had paid cash. To this day – we didn’t recognize any one in the restaurant and no one stopped by our table to say hello. To this day we do not know who paid our bill but believe that it was just good semaritans. It has always left us with an awesome feeling that someone would do that for us – people they didn’t even know.
Thank you for sharing. . isn’t it so cool how we can touch someone’s heart just by doing something kind. . I am so excited to see what comes of our 365 days of kindness. . all for the glory of God:)
This is a wonderful way to pass it on! one of my favorite to do! It not only makes the day of someone behind you but those that are working are touched by it too:) I always tell the cashier to make sure to tell that person to have a great day for me! Very simple and you just never know what kind of day that person may have had, but wether good or bad you just made it better!