DARLING’S CHRISTmas wish/Miracle
As most of you know, we are helping Darling Mensing. She is a 56 y/o lady who has stage IV Pancreatic cancer and sent in a CHRISTmas Wish/Miracle to MaryBeth from 101.5 The River. MaryBeth then handed the letter off to me in hopes that we could help her. After meeting her, I was like you can have whatever you want LOL 🙂 That is truly the kind of family they are. Her husband, Charlie, and their kids are just as awesome as her. The wish was for siding on their old farm house, which was Darling’s great-grandparents and the additional wish was a wraparound porch. It is all so close to being done. A gofundme account was started to help pay for the materials and supplies for the wraparound porch. It is 65% of the way there and I am asking all of you to donate at least $5 (if you can) so 100% of the goal is reached. I can assure you all that this is one of the most deserving families you will ever meet. Thanks for considering and if you cannot help, please share so others will get involved. Thanks so much and MERRY CHRISTmas to everyone. What we are seeing here is a true CHRISTmas Miracle – We received a miracle on CHRISTmas morning in the gift of Jesus and Jesus is LOVE. What is happening to this family is a CHRISTmas gift wrapped in LOVE 🙂 I Love you all!!
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