Current Meijer Catalinas
Catalina Coupons are coupons that print out of the Catalina machine at participating stores (See picture above). They are usually located right next to the register. We also call them OYNO (on your next offer). They can be for a dollar off amount or for a product. Once you have met the qualifications, the catalina will print for a certain amount off your next purchase. You can usually use this dollar off amount on anything in the store.
If you receive a Catalina Printout or you see a shelf tag at your store, please submit the info using submit a form tab or email me at (we appreciate all your help)
Glade Products(excluding 8 oz. Room Sprays and Solids) – 2/20/17 – 3/19/17
Buy (2) = $1 OYNO
Buy (3) = $2 OYNO
Buy (4+) = $3 OYNO
L’Oreal Hair Expert Shampoo, Conditioner, and/or Advanced Hairstyle Products – 1/23/17 – 2/19/17
Buy (2) = $1.50 OYNO
Buy (3) = $3 OYNO
Buy (4) = $4.50 OYNO
Ziplock Brand Bags or Brand Containers – 2/20/17 – 3/19/17
Buy (3) = $2 OYNO
Buy (4+) = $3 OYNO
NOTE: Occasionally your catalina might not print, the best thing to do is visit the Catalina Marketing site and complete the form provided on their site or you can call 1-888-826-8766.

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