Welcome Everyone ~ If you are a coupon newbie, you found the right place!! I have put together a Learn How to Coupon 101 series to help you all get started! If you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask or you can purchase my Book Extreme Couponing by Joni Meyer-Crothers by CLICKING HERE or attend one of our upcoming Coupon Seminars in Northwest Ohio. CLICK HERE for more information about upcoming Seminars!
Here is what you will find on this page:
- Couponing 101
- Coupon Lingo 101
- Tips to Organizing a binder and how to order a Complete Coupon Binder
- How to Stay Connected with Us – Free Tastes Good
- The Weekly 5-item Challenge
To teach others to save money through couponing (become good stewards with their money) while sharing the blessing with others in need!Matthew 25:40 (NIV) 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
A new way of couponing that utilizes the Internet blogs to save time and money! It is ALL right at your fingertips or computer! The idea behind extreme couponing is to stockpile your groceries by using coupons when items are on sale so that you will never pay retail price for your groceries, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies again and be able to score many FREE/CHEAP items. You will want to start by collecting all the coupons you can and store them in an organized binder or other organized system you have. Then find a local and national coupon blog and start saving!
To save money for your family, plus through your savings, you can share the blessing with others. . . PASS IT ON!! READ MORE ABOUT HOW TO COUPON. . .
Below is the most common coupon lingo when learning how to coupon. If I missed any, please feel free to comment and we will add:)
Abbreviations and Money-Saving Terms:
GM = General Mills
PG = Procter & Gamble
RP = Red Plum
SS = SmartSource
+Up Reward – See Catalina and RR (Rite-Aid catalina)
RR = Register Reward – Walgreens and Rite-Aid money(can use on your NEXT transaction).
IVC = Instant Value Coupon – found in the monthly Walgreens EasySaver booklet
B1G1 or BOGO = Buy One, Get One Free
B2GI = Buy Two, Get One Free
BLINKIE OR TEAR PAD – coupon from a small blinkie machine or pad – typically near the relevant product ( No need to do the “blinkie dance” it comes out every 30 seconds:)
DND – Do not double
Catalina (OYNO) – print outs after you pay for your order and can be used on your next transaction
ECB – Extra Care Bucks (Cash to be used on your next order at CVS) – Usually used on your next order (OYNO)
GC = Gift Card
IP = Internet Printable
MC or MQ = Manufacturer’s coupon
MIR = Mail In Rebate
NED = No Expiration Date
NLA = No Longer Available
OOP = Out of Pocket
OYNO – on your next offer (this is usually for the catalina coupons – register rewards)
PEELIE – coupon on product itselfSTACKING: Using Both a Store Coupon and a Manufacturer’s Coupon on One Item
PSA = Prices Starting At
TMF = Try Me Free Offer
WYB = When You Buy
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
My binder is a caseit dual 500, which has two separate three-ring sections. One side is 3 inches and the other side is 2 inches. The larger section I keep all my food coupons and the coupon polices and on the smaller section I keep all my cleaning and hygienic product coupons. They have a slightly smaller version called the Caseit 100, which is a smaller version, 3″, 1-1/2″ rings on both sides.
This is my fourth binder and it is the Cadillac of all binders!! It is very high quality. It is well worth the money. I went through 3 others binders before I found this one. Remember organization is key to cutting down on time!! My coupons are kept in baseball card holders. You can get them from Target, Wal-Mart, etc, or off e-bay or Amazon.com HERE! They cost around $13 for 100! I now have higher quality insertable plastic dividers as all the others I have tried have ripped rather quickly. The ones I currently use are Avery Dennison Ave-11201 Avery Style Edge Clear Plastic Insertable Divider – 8 X Tab – 8.5 X 11 – 1 Set – Assorted Dividerfor around $3-4 each!! You will need two of them!! READ MORE AND LEARN HOW TO ORDER A COMPLETE BINDER. . .
If you want to have the most up-to-date information on how to coupon, where to get coupons, how to extreme coupon, then you will want to connect with us by subscribing to the blog, pinterest, and twitter. . .
Want to stay up-to-date and NEVER miss a deal, then be sure to subscribe to the blog by CLICKING HERE and get daily updates of all the deals we posted!
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Also make sure if you find a deal that we don’t have listed that you click the “submit a deal” tab and let us know about it. We will give you credit for finding it PLUS you will be entered in our monthly $10 gift card giveaway. We love when the followers share great deals with us:)
I challenge everyone to every week pick up 5 extra items to donate to a local food pantry or shelter!! This is such a wonderful way to give to charity and it requires no money, just your time!!! We truly can change our community, one life at a time, one coupon at a time. If we ALL do something “small” and join together, the end result is something “HUGE”!! What makes a gift great in God’s service is not the magnitude of the gift, it is into WHOSE HANDS the gift is given. Let’s give these gifts and trust God to multiply them and change our communities. . . one life at a time. It’s that simple. . LOAVES AND FISHES!!
If you’re still confused, you can purchase my Book Extreme Couponing by Joni Meyer-Crothers by CLICKING HERE and this breaks it down step by step!

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