Have you always wanted to learn how to coupon, how to cut your grocery bill in half, or pass the blessing on? Then you won’t want to miss this class:)
TIME: Saturday, February 22, 2014 ~ 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Sylvania Area Family Services, 5440 Marshall Road, Sylvania, OH 43560
COST: $10.00 class fee (+$1.54 Eventbrite fee) AND 5 nonperishable food or hygienic items. (PLEASE CHECK EXPIRATION DATES, SO YOU ARE NOT BRINGING EXPIRED ITEMS) The nonperishable/hygienic items will be donated to Sylvania Area Family Services Food Pantry. This is such a cool way to give back and PASS THE BLESSING ON!! Also each participate will receive $5 Klip2Save Gift Certificate upon supplying their email address to me to joni@freetastesgood.com (eGift Certificate will be sent day of event)
**BONUS: Extra Special PASSING THE BLESSING ON giveaway –For every 25 people that sign up you will automatically be entered to win a $25 gift card.
25 people = 1, $25 gift card (1 winner)
50 people = 2, $25 gift card (2 winners)
75 people = 3, $25 gift cards (3 winners)
FACILITATOR: Joni Meyer-Crothers and part of the coupontourage!!
You will learn the basic of couponing, how to get the most value for your coupons. You should save what you pay for the class and then some on your first shopping trip!!
We will also have 1 raffle for a binder (value $55) 6 tickets for $5!! You can see the binder by clicking on the “Buy a binder” tab. In addition, we will have complete coupon binders for the Dual-500 for $55. They are fully loaded with everything you will need to get started:)
We will also be selling my book “Extreme Couponing” for $13 with $1 of all books sold going to Sylvania Area Family Services Food Bank or you can order online by clicking HERE!! If you can’t attend the class, this would be a great resource to help you learn how to coupon.
Our family was featured on TLC “Extreme Couponing” on June 8th, November 23rd, January 3rd, January 24th, and January 29th, plus I have a book that was just published. 100% of our items have been donated to local charities totally $24K just in the shows! We have also been featured on The 700 Club, GMA, 20/20, The Today Show, HLN “Making it in America”, Rachael Ray, AOL “You’ve Got”, Fox News, NYC Live, Wall Street Journal, CNN Money, TMZ, and other local media outlets and featured in OK Magazine and All You magazine. THANK YOU JESUS!!

This post may contain affiliate links. Read my complete Disclosure Policy Here
Hi Joni,
want to know when you will ever be back in defiance to speak..? have friend who missed you when you were at library . she is trying with coupons n digital coupons. thank you for time Nd attention to this comment.
Will not be teaching any classes in Defiance, teaching classes in Sylvania and my last one is November 9th
November 9th is your last one for the year or ever?
We may occasionally have classes (like once a year), but not sure yet if/when we will have any more. . .
Hi Joni, I am comming to class on saturday and I have lost my email saying i paid for this class. I know there was something to print out but can’t find the email. What do I do?
We have a print out of everyone that paid:)
Will you ever have one in marion ohio I have a few people that I know would love to come.
We no longer travel, our classes will remain in Sylvania/Toledo, OH area. Hope that helps!
Hi Joni I am a new fan of yours!! I have made a goal for myself this year to learn the extreme coupon skill. I stumbled upon your site while researching & looking for a mentor. My goal this year is to fully supply a Community Christmas Dinner for a friend who puts this on each year out of her own pocket for those who want to come share Jesus’ Birthday together. Many don’t have family nearby to celebrate with anymore & others love gathering for a home cooked meal & great fellowship.
I can’t make the Feb 22nd class but was wondering if you have another upcoming one for a few of us to travel from MI to see you & learn?
We don’t have anything other than the 22nd class scheduled at this time. . We may have one in May:) Hope that helps!
Wooooo Hoooo thanks Joni, I check your site daily now so I’ll keep watching for an update! 🙂
Hi Joni! First, I hope you feel better soon (saw your FB post). Second, I am interested in attending one of your coupon classes in Sylvania; however, I just missed the last one (yesterday – big bummer!). When will the next class be scheduled? Can’t wait to meet you and learn how to get stuff for FREE!!! LOL Thanks!
Possibly in May:)