Buses N’ Backpacks is located in in Clermont, Florida
Buses n’ Backpacks is a program that works in partnership with local schools to provide food to children in need. Currently, they work with nine local schools, serving 200 children each week. Last school year alone, over 16,000 meals were provided through this program and they are on track to double that amount this year by serving more schools and more students.
They believe that the love of Christ compels us to do anything we can to help shoulder the burden felt by many families within our own community.
Sounds like an **AWESOME** place to help!!
Here is how you can get involved
GIVE MONEY: By making a One-Time donation or Sponsoring a child for only $20 per month. (You can do this easily and securely online by clicking here!!
GIVE FOOD: By giving a donation of approved food items or even organizing a food drive to support Buses N’ Backpacks. If you would like to do this, simply contact the church office by calling (352)243-1155 or email them at info@churchatsouthlake.org
GIVE TIME: Volunteer some of your time to help with Food Sorting, Packing of Backpacks or Delivery. If you are interested in helping out, simply contact the church office by calling (352)243-1155 or email Tandy Hammond (Buses N’ Backpacks, Director) @thammond@churchatsouthlake.org
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