As most of you know I had my first encounter with essential oils almost two years ago and have fallen in love 🙂 I shared my story of anxiety/panic attacks. During this process and struggle God has been showing me so much about myself and my walk with him. Also weeks prior to this I had been following my friend, Heather’s new journey with essential oils. I will admit I was a bit hesitant to believe all hype about the essential oils. I knew of the book Healing Oils of the Bible and thought I am going to try this and see what results I get. Most of you know I have worked in the medical field most of my life so I was very comfortable trying these.
I ordered the Premium Starter Kit and a few extra oils to get me started. The first night we diffused the peace and calming EO and I will tell you this, Jamie slept soundly. I slept so/so, but better than I had been sleeping, which was actually not sleeping at all. I ordered two more diffusers to put in our kids’ bedrooms and they have all mentioned how well they are sleeping now. There is a combination you can put together for anxiety and I will admit this worked on and off. I think the problem was I waited until I was past the panic state and then tried to apply it kind of like when you wait to long to take you pain meds and it takes longer to kick in. It is also smart to apply essential oils with a carrier oil.
One of our biggest testimonies happened when Jonah, Jamie, and Jadyn all had very sore throats, felt like they were coming down with a cold. I checked in the book what to use and it said “Thieves EO”. I rubbed it on their feet w/a carrier oil and diffused it last night and they all woke up feeling 100% better. I also had an upset stomach yesterday and rubbed the peppermint on my belly (again with a carrier oil) and within 20 minutes I felt better.
So for that reason, I am hooked on them now. I think of all the times we go into spas and the first thing that you remember is the smell. The Essential oils are made from God’s earth and I would much rather put this stuff in my body (but I do believe in medicine too when needed). The biggest thing is to be educated about what is safe to use, etc. I am still not comfortable with ingesting any of the essential oils but many say it is okay.
What is therapeutic grade? The potential danger of an essential oil is generally relative to its level or grade of purity. Many essential oils are designed exclusively for their aroma-therapeutic quality; these essential oils generally should not be applied directly to the skin in their undiluted or “neat” form. Some can cause severe irritation, provoke an allergic reaction and, over time, prove hepatotoxic. Non-therapeutic grade essential oils are never recommended for topical or internal use. [Read more…]

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