is having an AWESOME sale Today Only. Get a $10 Restaurant Gift Certificate for only $1.60, BUT if you go through Ebates, you will get 30% cash back making your $10 gift certificate only $1.12 (An 89% savings)
To make this offer even more AWESOME – if you are new to you can get a $10 Gift Card after your first $25 order. . so actually it is like only paying $15 for a $25 Offer!! This is an AWESOME time to sign up for Ebates!! check out here all the details!!
Here’s how to snag the deal. . .
1) Login or Register with Ebates to earn 30% cash back!
2) Search “” if you are not automatically directed to that page.
3) Click on “Shop Now” to be redirected to the website and then enter the zip code you are looking for.
4) Add the items to your cart and make sure to enter code “TREAT” at check out. (Some restaurants may NOT be participating, but the majority are). Also, remember, If you are new to Ebates you will get a $10 gift card for spending over $25 and that would be a nice CHRISTmas bonus!!
5) Within 2-3 days your 30% cash back will be added to your account (it usually only takes 2-3 days)!
Ebates pays its members accrued Cash Back and other rewards every 3 months, at a minimum. Ebates pays members in U.S. dollars via check, Paypal, and sometimes other payment options. Members may select or change their payment options in the My Ebates section of Each payment represents Cash Back and other rewards earned and accrued during the prior quarter based on the schedule below. The minimum payment amount is $5.01. Balances below $5.01 remain in your account for potential payment during the next payment period.

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