I know many are stressed out when it comes to back to school shopping. Many are already strapped and wonder how they are going to be able to afford back to school supplies. I have put together a shopping scenario to show you how easy it is when you pair the sales for the items you need.
Here is one of TPS back to school supply lists for 3rd grade at Glenwood Elementary School.
Here is a scenario from different stores beginning 8/10 thru 8/16
5 Folders – 7/$1 (Walgreens)
5 spiral notebooks – $0.01 (Office Max)
1 box of crayons – $0.50 (Office Max)
#2 pencils – 8 ct. – $0.39 (Walgreens)
1 large eraser or pencil top erasers – $0.25 (Target)
1 Bottle of white Elmer’s glue – $0.49 (Walgreens)
1 pair of scissors – $0.39 (Walgreens)
1 pencil pouch – $0.99 (Walgreens/Target)
2 boxes of tissues – $0.57 each (Meijer) or FREE at Giant Eagle (Angel Soft)
2 – 12 oz hand sanitizer – Purell – $0.07 (Meijer w/Purell Coupon)
Total: $5.34
Now if you had been getting the deals for the last three weeks, you could have gotten almost all of these items for under $0.25 but still $5.34 for school supplies is a pretty good deal. You just need to take advantage of the deals. Also, remember Walmart price matches other stores if they are the same items, so one stop shopping. I truly hope this helps many of you see how much you truly can save with back to school shopping.

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