The Lutheran Social Services has 3 locations that serve our community (Toledo Area) Each office does have food assistance yet many come in looking for personal care items. Below are a list of the names and locations of their sites. I have also added them to our tab “where to donate”.
* Open Dorr Family Resource Center, 1205 King Road, Toledo, OH 43617
Here is their website
* Crossroads Family Resource Center, 4543 Douglas Road, Toledo, OH 43613
Here is their website
* Lutheran Social Services Main Office, 2149 Collingwood Blvd, Toledo, OH 43620 (419) 243-9178.
Here is what they offer to their clients:
* They offer Counseling/Case management program.
* They also have the financial stability program where they coach their clients financially.
* They teach their clients how to lower their expenses and build assets.
* One of their more popular classes is a couponing class – Gotta love that!! Check them out and consider donating some of your extra hygienic items to them!
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