I just don’t even know where to start but to say What a mighty God we serve. Today was absolutely amazing. I think this may have been my absolute favorite FREE Laundry Day Event yet. We arrived at 9:15 and already had people lined up.
By 9:45, we had over 60 loads signed up for. . . God was definitely in the house. As most of you know, my favorite part is the prayer before we start any event. We believe strongly in asking for blessing on everyone that is involved from the volunteers to the people receiving the blessing.
Today, Vanessa started the day off in prayer. My prayer is always that God would bring the perfect people to the laundromat, even if someone is just stopping by to see what is going on. We had 4 people not show up to volunteer, but it was amazing how God provided everything we needed and no hiccups. Our friends, Tom, Dawn, Sheila, and Lily came to help again from Columbus.
Can I say how we met them is all a God thing too. They brought 5 HUGE bags full of Panera Bread, in addition to over 200 cookies, cupcakes, 200 bags of chips, and bottled water, and ALL the food was gone when we left. FREE laundry, FREE food, FREE fellowship. It doesn’t get much better than that. We did 127 loads today and some of the loads were 35# so we did a whole lot of laundry. Sgt. Gillen and Officer Below both helped again and can I say we just adore them. It is cool to see how they are getting to know all the volunteers too and it just runs so smoothly because everyone knows what is going on.
We had so many people ask if they could make a donation, but we do not accept donations, we tell them today is a FREE day, just like the Gift of Jesus is FREE so if they want to donate, pass the blessing on to someone today or tomorrow. We can all impact our communities by doing small things. There were so many cool stories, but one of my favorite is Genevieve. She was an older lady, I think she said, she was in her 80s, and she was just so thankful.
She told me she loved me and I blessed her beyond what she could ever imagine. We sent her home with some Panera Bread and she was as happy as could be. She told us if you didn’t feel the love of Jesus in the laundromat today, then you weren’t ready to hear it, because his love was all over in there. That gave me God-bumps, because that is what it is all about everyone feeling the Love of Jesus. So many thankful people, single men/women, and families. Kids that were loving on Sgt. Tony and Officer Jim. They are two of the most wonderful TPD that I have ever met and they are changing our communities by their kindness and compassion for others. My heart is full of so much joy.
To see people excited about helping others, volunteers, and to see those receiving the blessing get excited to know someone cares about them. One of our gentleman that we feed monthly, Craig, was the first one there. He road his bike about 6 miles just to get his laundry done. Can I say these acts of kindness are changing lives, changing our community, and making a difference. People know they matter and can I also add many hugs were given out today. If you come to any event that we host, just be ready to receive a whole lot of love. I cannot thank everyone enough that helped today, donated, and prayed over this event.
None of this is possible without all of you. My prayer continues to be for God to be gloried and for lives to be changed. For people to know they matter and people care about them, for them to feel the love of Jesus through us. Thank you all for believing in what we are doing and being a part of it. I love you all more than you will ever know and am so thankful to know so many of you!!
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