365 Days of Kindness
If you are new to our page you are probably wondering what this is all about. Three years ago we started a 365 Days of Kindness Challenge where every day for the entire year we do a random (or can be intentional) acts of kindness. It is a cool way to show the Love of Jesus to others expecting nothing in return. We made up these cards so people will “reuse” them when they have been shown an act of kindness.
Each week we will give you 7 ideas for random acts of kindness that you can do. You can tweak them however you want or not even do them, but they are just some ideas and/or suggestions to help everyone out. Many of these will coincide with our weekly coupon deals so many ideas will cost you nothing to bless someone else.
None of us can help everyone, but all of us can help someone and when we do we serve Jesus and lives are changed!! I think in light of all the negativity that is going on this is a wonderful way for us to start showing “love” to others. It is such a cool way to show LOVE, HOPE, AND JOY to others and change our communities, one life at a time. . all for the glory of God. We will also continue Sharing Sunday, where I ask for everyone to donate 5 items a week to your local food pantry, shelter, or family you may know in need. Let’s make 2015 a year that others will feel the unconditional love of Christ. This is such a tangible way to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If you have ideas or suggestions of random acts of kindness, please feel free to comment or send me an e-mail at joni@freetastesgood.com. MATTHEW 25:40!! How many of you are excited about this? I sure am!! GO HERE to print you 365 Days of Kindness cards to start handing out with your acts of kindness!!
We would love to hear your story, either as the giver or receiver, please share at bottom in the FB message! This is a great way to encourage everyone that is involved!!

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