2ND-ANNUAL WARMING THE CITY OF TOLEDO BY TYING SCARVES, HATS, GLOVES, AND SOCKS (Socks Donated by Hannah’s Socks) to trees in Downtown Toledo for our Homeless Friends! Thanks also to Carla Woodell for her wonderful donation of our cards we attached to each scarf 🙂
Such a fun time today. This was our second year of doing this project but due to the unseasonably warm weather we held off until today to do it. We collected a total of 598 scarves and socks (some had hats and gloves in them also) It is amazing to see how many people gave of their Saturday. God is sooooo good!! Here is a picture of all the volunteers from today 🙂
We always start any project off in prayer asking for God’s guidance and for him to bless everyone that received a scarf and everyone that took time to donate, knit, crochet, volunteer, or pray over this project to be blessed. More than anything else for God’s name to be glorified in all we do, because all the Praise and Glory belong to him.
I loved watching everyone find the perfect tree to tie the scarves too, knowing as we walked around I continued to pray for everyone that will/would receive a scarf and the other items.
Love Cheryl and her heart. . . so blessed to call her not only friend, but also family 🙂
We went to two other locations also and handed them out. What a mighty God we serve as we watch so many being so blessed by the things we take for granted (being warm, warm socks, etc)
Cindy heard about it on 93.5 WRQN and decided to come and help. What a true blessing she was – Love her to pieces 🙂
We were blessed to be able to help Saturday Morning Picnic Group. Nothing makes a mom more proud than to watch your children serve. Matthew 25:40
Today was so cold, but look at how many came out to get help. . . we are in a hurting city and it doesn’t take much to lighten someone’s load, all while being blessed ourselves
Another one of my favorite things is watching the interaction, you see, we don’t see homeless people, we see God’s creation . .
Hands touching hands. . . not a hand out, but a hand up . . .
All for the Glory of God . .
We then ended up at our last destination where I was brought to tears. Troy and Cheryl had a sleeping bag that William was so excited to receive. He was beyond blessed. Thank you Jesus for using each of us as a vessel in Your Kingdom.
Then I stood and watched Tiffany, Cindy, and Jamie giving of their own items to warm someone else up. That is what the LOVE of Jesus looks like. Giving of oneself to help someone less fortunate. This was my first day meeting Cindy, but I can tell you it was no accident she came to help. Tiffany and Brad have hearts of gold. They would give the shirt off their back to help those less fortunate and Jamie, well, he also has a heart of gold.
I LOVE watching God at work and how he can use each of us for HIS glory!!!! It is easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of our life, but I can tell you some of the greatest joy you will ever have is giving back, giving of yourself. None of us can help everyone, but all of us can help someone and when we do, we serve Jesus. To show his unconditional love is something so many want. If you are waiting for a miracle, BE ONE!
If any of you knit or crochet, please considering helping us get ready for next year!! Nancy and her mom knitted several for us. We will be collecting yarn so they can start knitting already. If you are interested in making a donation, please mail to Free Tastes Good, PO Box 312, Sylvania, OH 43560 and I will get the yarn to Nancy. We would love to collect 1000 of each items next year. Who’s in?!
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