The Laundress is an eco-friendly, plant based laundry and home cleaning company. You can receive 20% off your order by signing up for E-mails or Texts. The prices may be higher than you’re used to seeing for these types of products, but they’re 100% worth it! The Laundry Detergent is concentrated so just a little bit goes a long way! I first bought this product for their baby detergent and then I started buying their other products, and now I’m hooked!
All-Purpose Bleach Alternative $12.80(Reg.$16) The Alternative Bleach and Stain Solution mixed together work amazing! I have been able to get so many stains out of baby clothes! The Alternative Bleach can also be used for household cleaning!
Stain Solution: $19(Reg.$15.20)
Surface Cleaner, Scented Vinegar, Bleach Alternative, and Glass & Mirror Cleaner
You can get these 4 items in a kit called Home Cleaning Best Sellers for ONLY $39.60(Reg.$55) These Items can also be purchased individually
Le Labo Rose 31 $36(Reg.$45)
Sport Detergent and Sport Spray
This is perfect for anyone who has a lot of active kids! This gets out the tough odors!

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