**WINNER IS CHRISTINA , and an email has been sent**
Wise Décor $75 Giveaway
Calling all Free Tastes Good Followers!! We are having an awesome giveaway for Wall Decals. As many of you know, I have featured these types of products in the past as we have them featured all around our house. I have been given the opportunity to do a giveaway for a $75 gift certificate from Wide Décor to chose from hundreds of their Wall Decals! This decorative wall lettering really does personalize any home. The one pictured above is the one we received. It is AWESOME and application is super easy. I know many have said in the past, they were worried about application, but trust me, if I can do it, anyone can do it. The quality of their products is excellent
Please note YOU MUST READ ALL INFORMATION CAREFULLY BEFORE ENTERING. With $75, you could purchase just one large large one or several smaller ones. Please also note you can
Personalize your decor instantly with your favorite wall letters, words, quotes & decals
- Transfer wall letters give you the hand-painted look … instantly!
- Wonderful alternative to wooden letters and letter stencils
- Great on walls, glass, mirrors, furniture and home decor
- Pre-spaced and easy to apply
- Dozens of colors and styles, with nearly 40 matte (non-shiny) colors
- Jazz up your words with Lettering Art
- It’s removable!
- 100% money-back guarantee!
Now the nitty gritty of the giveway and how to enter (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)
1) Comment on this post and tell us which Wall Decals! are your favorite! (All comments are moderated so you will NOT see your comment until I approve:)
BONUS ENTRIES: (Each BONUS entry will need a separate comment for each. So if you do all entries, you will have a total of 7 comments)
2) LIKE WiseDecor Decorative Lettering on FB LIKE WiseDecor Decorative Lettering on FB
3) Follow Wise Décor on Twitter
4) Follow WiseDecor Decorative Lettering on Pinterest
5) Follow us on Twitter and leave a SEPARATE comment telling us that you follow us.
6) Subscribe to our FREE daily newsletters by CLICKING HERE and tell us in a comment on this post that you did or already do ~ I will verify this (Need a separate comment for this)
7) Share this giveaway on your Facebook by using the sharing tools at the bottom of this post and leave a comment on this post to let us know that you did. (MUST USE THE FB SHARING TOOL BELOW THIS POST FOR IT TO COUNT) – Need a separate comment for this
The Rules:
• You are allowed one entry per category for a total of 7 entries. First is mandatory, and 2-7 are BONUS entries!
• Must make a separate comment for each entry ~ (so you will make a total of 7 comments if you take advantage of all entries)
• Invalid entries will not win.
• There will be 1 winner.
• Giveaway ends Friday, 5/23/14, at 7:30 PM EST.
• Winner will be chosen at random, using random.org number generator.
• Winner will be announced by Saturday, 5/24 and have 24 hours to claim the prize and will forfeit prize if no response.
• Have fun! and Good luck.
Must be 18 years old to enter. Continental U.S. only.
DISCLOSURE: Free Tastes Good is not responsible for shipment of the prize as it is being sponsored by Wise Décor and Wise Décor will provide the winner with their $75 Gift Certificate. Winner will have 24 hours to contact me to claim prize or a new winner will be drawn. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability.

This post may contain affiliate links. Read my complete Disclosure Policy Here
I like “Buon Appetito”! My kitchen is in Italian colors and this would be perfect!
The Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22-23 Decal is awesome!
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I love this wall art. It is so inspirational and personal. They make a house a home.
I have totally been wanting to get a Joshua 24:13 wall sticker. That one would be perfect. Thanks
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
I would love the Family Rules Scripture 1. Perfect reminder for each of us!
My favorite decal is “Be the change you want to see in the world. – Gandhi”.
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I like the Motivational sayings deals the best. Not sure which one as so many great ones are there.
So hard to pick ,they are all so great
Like “Bless this house with Love and Laughter” the best.
I love the tree most.
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The couples loves rules decal.
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I like “You are invited to attend nothing but your peace of mind.” and “Happiness lives in hearts that Love”.
I “LIKE” Wise Decor on Facebook as Chavonne Harvey
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I LOVE the Best friends are we, my sister and me! So sweet!
Liked WiseDecor Decorative Lettering on Facebook! Jennifer Shelton
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I love the In these moments time stood still.
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I like the one that says, “Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets angry, he’ll be a mile away – and barefoot.” I love the humor!
Followed on Facebook as Meena Rao
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I like the Always Kiss Me Goodnight Decal. I am getting married later this year so this would be a nice addition to the bedroom.
Liked WiseDecor Decorative Lettering on Facebook – Veronica Valdez
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I like ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13’
I follow WiseDecor on twitter as @SensiblySara
I follow you on twitter as @SensiblySara.
I would like to get the birdy tree shelf decal for my daughter’s room.
I just subscribed to your newsletter. Thank you!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I like the scripture house rules – all of them!
LIKE WiseDecor Decorative Lettering on FB – did this
I love the wreath monogram! I’m not very creative, but even I can think of so many places to put it and ways to use it.
I already liked WiseDecor Decorative Lettering on facebook!
and I’m following WiseDecor on twitter as HeatherAhhhh!
and I am also following WiseDecor on pinterest, as luckigrrl7
I’ve subscribed to your newsletter, as bkittie at gmail dot com!
and, finally, I shared this post on facebook – I’m Lucki Grrl!
I love the ‘Always Remember To Kiss Me Goodnight and Remember I Love You’ quote!
I’m a WiseDecor Decorative Lettering facebook fan! (Annmarie Dipasqua Weeks)
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I like the saying: “Get down on your knees and thank God you are on your feet.”
annejk112233 at yahoo dot com
My fave is if you didn’t know your age, how old would you be?
I subscribed via email at wendyalaska333@aol.com
These decals are just beautiful! I believe I love the Scriptural Quotes the best, but I love the names/meanings and Scripture verses just about as well!
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Like “Bless this house with Love and Laughter” the best
– See more at: https://www.freetastesgood.com/posts/wise-decor-75-gift-certificate-giveaway#sthash.kn3QzCCi.dpuf
Live, laugh, and love a little every day… And when the moon comes up, dance the starry night away.
like you on facebook as Margaret Maggie Porter
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My favorite is under the mood section “And though she be but litter she is fierce” *My little princess is smart strong and fierce*
Followed on Pintrerest. Cea Taylor
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Wise** ugh typo 🙂
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I just spent over an hour on wisedecor.com Thank you for introducing me to this site what a gem. wisedecor.com is my new guilty pleasure. There are so many to choose from. I love the scripture selection, spiritual thoughts, you can even create your own letterings. There’s an area where there are photos to help give us with ideas how and where to place these items. If I had to choose one? The one I would choose is: With God all things are possible Matthew 19:26